Thank you for choosing i9 Essentials for your work gloves requirements. We aim to provide our customers with valuable, high-quality products. However, we recognize that there may be instances in which you need to return or exchange purchased content. Cautiously look at our Content Return Policy to comprehend your rights and responsibilities.

1. Eligibility for Returns and Exchanges:

  • Our Content Return Policy applies to all digital content purchases made through the i9 Essentials website.
  • To be eligible for a return or exchange, you must initiate the request within 30 days from the date of purchase.

2. Eligible Reasons for Returns and Exchanges:

You may request a return or exchange for the following reasons:

a. Inaccurate or Defective Content: You may request a refund or exchange if the purchased content is inaccurate, contains errors, or is of poor quality that significantly deviates from the advertised description.
b. Duplicate Purchase: If you accidentally purchased the same content twice, you may request a return or exchange for one of the duplicate purchases.

3. Non-Eligible Reasons for Returns and Exchanges:

Returns and exchanges will not be accepted for the following reasons:

  • Personal preference or change of mind.
  • Failure to read or understand the content description before purchasing.
  • Incompatibility with your devices or software.
  • Circumstances beyond our control, such as internet connectivity issues.

4. How to Initiate a Return or Exchange:

To initiate a return or exchange, please follow these steps:

  • Contact our customer support team via Email at or Call at 800-311-2097.
  • Provide your order number, the title of the content you want to return or exchange, and a brief description of the issue.

5. Return and Exchange Process:

a. Evaluation: Our team will review your request and the provided information to determine if it meets the eligibility criteria.
b. Resolution: If your request is approved, we will either issue a refund to the original payment method or provide you with replacement content based on your preference.

6. Refund Processing:

  • Approved refunds will be processed within 5 business days from the date of approval.
  • Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used for the purchase.

7. Exchanges:

If you opt for an exchange, you will receive access to the replacement content within 5 business days from the approval of your request.

8. Contact Information:

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding our Content Return Policy, contact our customer support team by emailing us at or calling 800-311-2097.

9. Policy Changes:

 i9 Essentials reserves the right to update or modify this Content Return Policy any time without prior notice. Please refer to the policy on our website for the most up-to-date information.

You acknowledge and agree to the terms specified in this Content Return Policy by purchasing on the i9 Essentials website. We appreciate your selection of i9 Essentials!

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